Setuay Türkçe Setuay İngilizce
  • Setuay Milking Systems And Farm Equipment
  • Setuay Milking Systems And Farm Equipment
  • Setuay Milking Systems And Farm Equipment

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Vertical Bottom Group Milk Cooling Tank

125 - 200 - 300 - 500 liters




Cr Ni 304 quality stainless steel is used.

ROLLBOND evaporator welded with SPECIAL LASER WELDING TECHNOLOGY on 2 mm inner wall is used.

The inner wall consists of 15 mm sheet thickness.

The outer wall consists of 1mm sheet thickness.

The cooling unit and the tank body are mounted on a solid chassis.

There is a 15 W - 25 W 28d/d reducer and a stainless steel mixer blade attached to it.

Water-based, high-density polyurethane with a thickness of 50 mm without HCFC is used in the insulation.

A butterfly valve is used at the product outlet, and elbows suitable for optional use are produced.

One-piece spring cover system is used.

There is a Ø 200 mm covered product inlet on the cover.

It is designed to leave zero liquid inside during discharge.

Welded areas are 1st class laser and argon welding and 1st class smooth polishing is applied.

Tanks have adjustable feet.







It provides fast and frost-free cooling according to the minimum amount of milk.

R-404A refrigerant is used.

Each milking (35°C -38°C) of the milk cooling tanks provides the opportunity to cool the milk from 35°C to 4°C at ambient temperature.

It is designed in accordance with the optional 2, 4, 6 milking system.




There are electrical panels with IP 65 protection class.

It has the opportunity to work with 220 Volt energy.

There is a temperature indicator with a digital thermometer.

There is an electronic control card that allows the operation of the specially designed, easy-to-use tank and the milk temperature to be controlled.

After the automatic mixing program with special software reaches the desired set value, the mixer working time can be adjusted at desired intervals.




Digital weighing system can be installed.

Milk transfer pump can be installed.


Horizontal Milk Cooling Tank

Horizontal Milk Cooling Tank

1500 - 2000 - 3000 - 4000 - 5000 - 6000 - 8000 - 10000 liters


  • CrNi 304 quality stainless steel is used.
  • ROLLBOND evaporator welded with SPECIAL LASER WELDING TECHNOLOGY on 2 mm inner wall is used.
  • The inner wall consists of 2 mm sheet metal.
  • The outer wall consists of 1.5 mm sheet thickness.
  • The cooling unit and the tank body are mounted on a solid chassis or on a separate cooling chassis from the tank.
  • There is a 1.1 KW 28d/d reducer and a stainless steel mixer blade attached to it, 60 mm thick HCFC-free water-based high density polyurethane is used in insulation.
  • Butterfly valve is used at the product outlet.
  • 400 mm or 500 mm diameter openable round manhole cover is used. There is a manual washing line and a CIP washing ball.
  • It is designed to leave zero inside during discharging.
  • Welded areas are 1 class laser and argon welding.
  • Class smooth polishing is applied.



  • It provides fast and frost-free cooling according to the minimum amount of milk.
  • R-404A refrigerant is used.
  • Each milking (35°C - 38°C) of the milk cooling tanks provides the opportunity to cool the milk from 35°C to 4°C at ambient temperature.
  • It is designed in accordance with optional 2'4, 4, 6 milking systems.



  • There are electrical panels with IP 65 protection class.
  • It has the opportunity to work with 220 Volt - 380 Volt energy.
  • There is a temperature display with a digital thermometer.
  • There is an electronic control card that allows the operation of the specially designed, easy-to-use tank and the milk temperature to be controlled.
  • Automatic mixing program with special software, after the milk reaches the desired set value, the mixer working time can be adjusted at desired intervals.



  • Digital weighing system can be assembled.
  • Milk transfer pump can be installed.
  • Automatic washing system can be installed.


About Us

Our Story

Adapting to the technology that shapes modern life, approaching projects with a focus on change and transformation, SETUAY Milk and Water Cooling Tanks were established in 2017 in Eskişehir Organized Industrial Zone on an area of ​​7000 m², 5000 m² of which is closed. Since the day it was founded, it has adopted the principle of constantly improving and renewing itself, while providing the best of service to its customers. The experience and professionalism of its personnel, as well as the strategy and organizational success of the management team, have been effective in achieving a serious reputation in the sector by completing the commitments it has undertaken on time and above the expected quality levels.


Behind the success it has achieved is a customer-oriented and productivity-centered management approach. It is managed with the aim of contributing to the society's creation of a constantly moving and developing future. As SETUAY, while acting with the aim of being a pioneer and an example to the society, it contributes to the country's economy and employment with its investments. Being among the pioneers of change in Turkey, SETUAY makes the best use of its wide service, information and cooperation network in achieving its goals. With the vision of being a global player that sets the standards and advances by discovery, it continues to examine cooperation and investment opportunities that it believes will be beneficial to the country's economy.


The SETUAY family aims to continue to grow rapidly by working human-oriented and fair, to represent our country in the best way, especially in foreign markets, and to become a qualified, reputable and innovative world company.


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